Wairere to Te Tuhi
Wednesday, 9 April 2025
We will climb from the Wairere Falls carpark to the lookout for a fabulous view of the 153m two stage drop of Wairere Falls. Then on to the summit of the Falls for a view of the Waikato and Hauraki Plains, if the weather is kind.
The track continues for another 20 minutes and meets with the North-South track which we follow south until reaching the intersection with the Te Tuhi and Whakamarama tracks. We turn right onto the Te Tuhi track which is a steady downhill until we pop out of the bush into a stream. Then one last wee climb before emerging onto farmland and expansive views to the south south.
A car will be there to take the drivers back to Wairere Falls carpark to collect their own cars and return to Te Tuhi Road for their passengers.
The end to end trip is expected to take around 7 hours approximately, plus driving time for transporting drivers as above.
Photo credit: Wild Things
Restrictions: Please note a maximum of 16 registered walkers to carry out this walk.